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Iota Tau’s 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb 2021

Dean J. Condoleo

On September 16th, 2021, the men of the Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity and the women of the Zeta Mu Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta teamed up to engage in their annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. It was a “very humbling and gratifying experience to connect with the FDNY and NYPD in remembrance of all those affected in 9/11,” said John Michael Mauceri, Treasurer of Sigma Pi. This year marks 20 years since the horrible tragedy that still affects families even to this day.

Sigma Pi and Gamma Phi Beta held fundraisers through social media and on St. John’s campus on September 7th and 8th. Thanks to everyone who contributed, the goal of $1,000 was crushed, with a total of $1,478 raised. All donations were sent directly to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation honors the sacrifice of firefighter Stephen Siller who laid down his life to save others on September 11th, 2001. The foundation also honors our military and first responders who continue to make the supreme sacrifice of life and limb for our country. For every donation, brothers and sisters of Sigma Pi and Gamma Phi Beta ran or walked up and down the stairs to symbolize the sacrifice made by first responders in 2001. In addition, St. John’s Campus Ministry held a prayer service for both organizations, Engine 315 and Precinct 107. Included, was a loud moment of silence.

After speaking with Greg Auteri, President of Sigma Pi, he reflected on how “being born and raised in New York City, as well as attending college in NYC, each year when 9/11 comes around, this day definitely hits hard and makes me reflect on how grateful I am for our first responders.” 2017 was the first year Sigma Pi and Gamma Phi Beta started the stair walk as an initiative to educate students on campus about the atrocities that occurred on that day and what many St. John’s University Public Safety Officers gave up on that horrific day. “The firefighters and police officers in attendance were touched and moved about how serious we took this event, considering most of us were not even alive for 9/11. I hope our chapter keeps this tradition for years to come,” stated Greg Auteri.

The Iota Tau Chapter wants to send our appreciation to the heroes who fight tirelessly to keep our communities safe. Without our first responders, our country would not be able to sustain itself. We will never forget what happened on this tragic day 20 years ago and will continue to support the affected families for years to come.


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